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Why do wisdom teeth need to be extracted?

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Wisdom teeth can cause infection, crowding, or decay in your mouth and are not integral to the structure of your mouth.
We may suggest that you have them removed if we believe they pose a potential risk to your oral health. Removal is safe, painless, and effective.

contact us to get wisdom teeth checked and identify any potential infection risk.

First Avenue Family Dentistry – Your Trusted Destination For Dental Extractions in St. Thomas, ON

Have you been experiencing dental pain because of crowding, tooth decay, or a dental infection? You might require a dental extraction.

At First Avenue Family Dentistry, we provide the most dependable wisdom teeth extractions that are not only done with expertise but also ensure your maximum comfort and convenience. With over a decade of experience in the industry, our family dental care clinic has a team of highly qualified and well-trained dentists who have undergone rigorous training. We have state-of-the-art equipment and are well-versed in leading-edge techniques to ensure each dental extraction is performed with precision and care. Whether your wisdom tooth is impacted or causing you pain, it can pose a risk to your overall oral health. However, you can rely on our team of dentists to provide appropriate treatments that are tailored to meet your needs.

At First Avenue Family Dentistry, we prioritize your comfort and well-being at every step of the treatment. From the moment you walk in through the doors, our friendly staff will ensure you feel welcomed and at ease. We will develop an in-depth understanding of your needs and requests, and answer any questions about the procedure.

Our dedication to your oral health goes beyond the dental extraction procedure itself. After the procedure, our team will also provide detailed post-operative instructions to guide you through the recovery process.

Book an appointment today to get started.

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